All I wanted to do was watch TV!
It sounds so simple, but let me say it wasn’t. I’m not big on sitting down and enjoying a show as usually I’m busy writing, and meeting a deadline.
Lucky for me I finished a few days early and wanted to figure out what was going on with The Walking Dead in Season 5. Why am I so behind? Let me see … Oh, it might be because I never got into it, and never had the time.
Recently the guys talked me into sitting down for a few during an all-day marathon. This got me hooked and I was ready for the next season.
With the DVR set for 16 hours, I knew that it was going to be a great reward in the end.
Oh boy…. Guess what didn’t work? Yep, the DVR decided to not record anything, and I missed them all.
Have no fear, we can find it elsewhere…
I find myself to not be technically challenged, but yesterday proved me wrong. I searched and finally found the season on AMC. Now, since I normally don’t stream shows I had no idea what was going on. It says to login to your provider. Okay, I can do this. Nope password rejected. That’s right ever since two vendors decided to merge everything has been messed up.
Locked out of the account I call customer care because I want to chill and watch this show. Two hours later all passwords are corrected, but I still don’t have access to the series. The sweet guy on the other end of the line tells me where to go.
Insert excitement…
Insert disappointment…
Hey, did you know that you can’t stream from your network provider unless you are connected to the internet? Neither did I. This makes no sense to me as my computer is connected to the internet. Yes, I asked this question in the cute pop-up chat box. How does this work? I don’t understand. Well, that makes no sense. It says you can stream from your phone, computer, tablet, etc. But you have to have the box connected to the internet.
Even today I still don’t understand this, or it could be that I just don’t want to understand it.
Either way I plan to get an Ethernet cord today, and will hook this black box up to the internet. I’m sure I want be watching my show until next weekend, as I have work to do this week.
I’m pretty sure at one point I asked my family, “How is it I don’t know how my stuff works?” this earned a laugh from both of them. I, however, didn’t find the humor in this, but has set out to figure this streaming stuff.
What would make this easier for me? Netflix could just upload the whole season and let me watch it the way I know how. Yes, I have Googled when it’ll be live on it. If I want to wait until the end of the month, then I’d be golden. Here’s the thing, I have the time to sit down and focus on this now. At the end of the month, I will be neck deep in edits, revisions, and so much more.
Today I’m still a little disappointed that my day didn’t go as planned, but I’m on a new mission to figure this out. I wasted over three hours trying to get it fixed, but in the end I was still able to sit down and relax with my guys. It’s the small things in life that count, and that’s what I’ll focus on. No, not really I’m still ticked off at the stupid black box, but I love my guys.
Now if you will excuse me, I have a trip to the store to get ready for and cord to buy.
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