Sorry for not posting last week as it was crazy… But the wait sure was worth it for this week’s interview starring the one and only Lance Jones – Tattoo Model. He sure doesn’t need me to introduce him as you all probably know who he is. I do have to thank Shauna Kruse for the support with this as she’s provided me with some pretty amazing pictures that I just can’t decide which ones to use..
1. What has been your favorite shoot / campaign /
work to date? Hard to say which shoot has been my favorite, but I had fun shooting on Mt Reiner with Shauna Kruse in Seattle
2. How would you describe your personal style, where do you pull your inspiration from? I pull my inspiration from the love and support from my fans
3. Do you have any hidden talents? Nope Lol
4. Do you get to travel a lot for your work? If so what’s your favorite city that you have visited? I get to travel a lot for the modeling work yes, so far I’m gonna say OTHER than the Bahamas, NYC has been the coolest place I’ve seen
5. Do you ever get shy in front of the camera? I don’t get shy in front of the camera anymore, but I do with video lol
6. Favorite movie? Pulp Fiction
7. Five things you can’t live without? Money, Food, cell phone, a girl, friends/family
8. Give us five facts about you people may not know. Hmmm I have a huge sweet tooth ummm
9. What’s the best and worst thing about being a model? Best thing is meeting and working with so many new faces, worst is making sure your ready for the shoot I guess, I love it all
10. What’s your biggest accomplishment? Becoming the muse for so many awesome novels and covers , and getting to travel to signings
Lance Jones – Tattoo Model:
All pictures are the curiosity of Kruse Images & Photography: Models & Boudoir and you can find more at the following link.
If you are a male or female model that would like to get featured on our weekly Hump Day Magic post, email us for more information.