Pirating…. Need I say more?
I try to keep my mouth shut on this, but now I feel this needs to be voiced. So many of my friends are posting daily about finding their books on these said sites.
Well, I’ve had mine download once before and I stalk the internet weekly in search of others. When you find a new site that you never seen before and yeah guess what, your book is listed, it pisses you off. I took down Unexpected Chances back in October as I signed with a publishing house, then turned around and relaunched it late November. Guess what day my book was posted to this said evil site? That’s right, the same day I took it down.
Now let’s estimate this for a moment… The thread showed over 4700 views… Does that mean all 4700 of those people downloaded my book?
I’m going to estimate that at least half of them did.
2,350 downloads for FREE
I charge $2.99 for Unexpected Chances on Amazon which would equal $7,026.50. Let’s be reasonable, that’s what Amazon retails, not what the authors receive. Needless to say, when you break down the amount of time, money and energy that’s put into publishing, this makes you just sad.
So you have my book, you’ve read my book. Guess what you can at least do? POST A REVIEW! You get a book for free, leave a review for free. Now that is if you enjoyed it, if you didn’t then I’d like to send you to pirating hell.
One of the questions that I ask myself is why? Why take the time to download a book, decrypt it, and then create a fake username to post it.
For those of you who don’t know this, almost all author especially us indie authors are always doing parties, takeovers, and giveaway’s. Stalk them and play along with the games. Cause I promise you that you will win something..
With all that off my chest, I will make a new post later about something new and exciting. Pirating creeps will not keep me from the next great story. I feel honored that you actually did this. Thank you to whoever you are…
What did we learn from this? Pirating is BAD….
Rant over from the lovely A.M. Willard