What Day is it? Where does the time go? Please come back.
Time is a beautiful thing, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized it moves a little quicker than I’d like. When we were children time seemed to stand still. It was like you were never going to reach summer again or High School. Now, I ask myself daily what day is it. How is it already Wednesday?
That was what happened this morning when I woke, thinking it was an entirely different day to only find out it’s Wednesday. Maybe this was a default as I know school starts tomorrow and my baby is only one more step to being out the door.
Even though we have a few more years left before that happens, it’s always sad to realize that we can’t stop time. We don’t have a magic wand that we can wave in the air and turn it back either. I, like most of you would love this little trick if we could.
It seems that since I’ve started working from home full-time that I struggle with dates. I’m thankful that I can glance down at the right corner of my computer and figure it out. The sad thing is I might know it’s the fifth of August, but what day it is; pure struggle.
With school starting this week, writing, taking on a new job, and life; I’m still juggling. Don’t tell anyone, but I love to juggle.
I woke this morning thinking we had one extra day before open house at school, one extra day to enjoy summer together, but I was wrong. Today I plan to utilize my time as we run around to finish school shopping, hit up our classes for schedules, and then enjoy the last night with my son before eight grade starts.
No, it’s not the start of High School, but it is the last chapter in his life before he has to start a new one. That, to me, is scary because I feel this is the last section for him being young. High School scares me, as the end result is college, and then the empty nest.
I’m searching for that wand as I type this today so I can slow time down. I want to treasure our time together and balance all the other wonderful stuff I have in my life.
We can’t bring back the weeks that have flown by, but we can stop to enjoy the ones to come. Every day I look at my calendar that sits in front of me and wonder how I will ever get it all done. I know at the end of the day, I’ll have items left on my list, but there’s always tomorrow.
Someone asked me recently how I did all of this and worked outside the home while balancing life, a job, a family, and deadlines. I laughed and shook my head as I ask myself this daily. I’m still just as busy as I was a few months ago, I still have deadlines, blogs to write, post to share, a job, and a family. The difference now is, I have the time to stop at any point and enjoy my day. We still balance out the hours, but in the end I’m happy.
Maybe it’s the fact that you’re living your dream that makes time go by so fast. I don’t have the answer to that, other than each day is a blessing that I love…
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